How Daily Maverick designed a pay-what-you-can model

A well-targeted benefit nudges those who can afford to contribute more to do so, while keeping membership accessible for all.


How Zetland turned its members into powerful ambassadors

In 2019, Zetland faced a hard truth: they still weren’t profitable, and they were running out of time. Could their members help?


How Zetland retained its members through coronavirus and a recession

Offering discounts for membership is a delicate balance. If you discount it too much, you risk devaluing membership.


How Black Ballad turns member surveys into new revenue streams

Their goal is to be the one who knows the Black British professional woman better than anyone else – and to monetize that knowledge.


How 1-person, member-driven newsroom WTFJHT built its budget

He pays attention to just three metrics for setting revenue projects: member conversion, average contribution, and churn.


How The Bristol Cable and its members developed an Ethical Advertising Charter

The Ethical Advertising Charter gives the Cable clear parameters, defined by members, on what types of advertising it can accept.